Saturday, February 23, 2013

To Be Or Not To Be: Celebrity Chemistry

     Chemistry is so vital in tv. Not the add this and that, go boom, chemistry. But the oh my goodness, my toes are curling, my heart’s racing, I have chills, chemistry. Whoever the chemistry is between: friends, relatives, co-workers, or lovers, it is what makes or breaks each relationship on the show, especially the one between the lovers. The couple can look so epically fantastic on paper and in theory, but if those co-stars don’t have that special chemistry, that relationship and possibly that show are going belly-up.

     Sometimes you can tell the couple has chemistry long before they even kiss, for instance, Jo and Karev on Grey’s Anatomy. The show has been flirting with this idea this whole season. They have progressed from acquaintances, to virtually enemies, to best friends, to almost something more. Every category they have been in has been spot-on and very convincing. No matter how they treat each other, you love it, because it is so real, the chemistry so palpable. Now, they are sending each other love looks, and the audience is just as excited as they are because they know when this couple finally gets together, it’s going to be epic and perfect, because they click. Their chemistry is so genuine and good, like most of the couples on this show.

     Sometimes the couple sounds perfect, maybe even looks good, but once they kiss, you realize it’s all doomed. A prime example is Laurel and Tommy on Arrow, Arrow’s ex that he hurt and his best friend who was there for his ex. It made sense, almost poetic, and then the inevitable happened…….they kissed. There’s little, if any chemistry there, and they look more like awkward neighbors trying to spark things up than the triumphant, from the ashes, couple they are supposed to be. It just leaves you confused, a little grossed out, and very, very unfulfilled. At this point, you just want anyone else to be with Laurel, even the man who almost destroyed her.

     Then sometimes, you have a couple who you know shouldn’t be together, but their chemistry is so rich and vivid, that you almost root for them anyway. Case in point is Sawyer and Kate in Lost. That cage scene between them made everyone, even the show’s deepest, darkest critics vote for that couple. It was real, and raw, and memorable. That’s what every show wants, one couple that has everyone in the world rooting for them and tuning in just because of them and that one scene. Whether Sawyer and Kate were fighting, running, kissing, or just talking, you could feel the chemistry 1,000 miles away on your couch, you could touch it. And you wanted to see more of it.
     And then sometimes, you have those perfect couples who have great chemistry, until one of them just has to run off and have even better chemistry with someone else. How dare them! They leave you sitting there, breathless and confused, not knowing who to root for. There are a couple examples here. First, you have Kate and Jack from Lost. There was definite chemistry between them and everyone loved them, but then Kate kept running back into Sawyer’s arms (puts a whole new spin on “we have to go back!”), where the chemistry was overwhelming. You knew she should be with Jack, it was her destiny; but there was nothing like her and Sawyer and that passion. And then came along example two, Juliette and Sawyer. When Juliette and Sawyer finally got together, it was like hold up, we just found epicness number three on this show. They found each other in a time of desperation, but their relationship was anything but desperate. It wasn’t the overwhelming passionate love between Sawyer and Kate or the strong, defying love between Kate and Jack. It was a passionate, yet secure, moving, yet firm, real, yet raw love that only the bad boy and the good girl could pull off. Their scene in the finale where they finally remember who they are and what they had, it was so real that it made you want to leave your couch right that minute, find your soul mate, and kiss them like the world was ending. Now, that right there is chemistry.

     Another show with great chemistry changers is The Vampire Diaries. The first couple affected was Tyler and Caroline. Their biggest chemistry moment was when she helped him through his changing into a werewolf. The scenes where she is holding him as he lies helplessly on the ground whimpering and moaning in pain, make you so sad for him, but so happy for them because you can see their bond forming and growing so much in those scenes. That is chemistry at its best, when two people can make one scene between them give you so many conflicting emotions, you feel helpless. Then, just when you thought Caroline had found her life partner, Klaus showed up. They haven’t kissed, they’ve barely had a civil conversation, but you want them together so bad. Why? Well, the emotion in every scene between them is downright touchable. You can feel Klaus’s love for her, even when he is being a total jerk. And their chemistry is about the only thing keeping you from begging Klaus to be killed off already, and they aren’t even close to being together. That chemistry is epic and raw and unbelievable. The second couple affected is Stefan and Elena. You see their chemistry from episode one and you believe it and root for it. Their talks, their arguments, their journal entries, their kisses, all leave you wanting more. They are perfect. Well until, Damon shows up, or more like crashes the party. Throughout the seasons, there is always this undercurrent of what if she doesn’t choose the expected, what if she can save him, what if he is her epic love. Then they kissed. If Stefan and Elena together left you wanting more, Damon and Elena left you praying for more. They did more in one kiss to upset the whole dynamic than Stefan did in his multi-episode killing spree. If one kiss can send a three season relationship spiraling, then the actors must be doing something right. Then in the fourth season, they officially sealed the deal, and you knew right there that no matter what Stefan did, he would never truly compare or erase Damon and his mark forever. Chemistry that can change a three season epic love story is epic chemistry.

     And then finally, sometimes, the right chemistry is actually between the right people. Beauty and the Beast has this so far. Vince and Catherine have been doing the whole maybe we will, maybe we won’t thing all season. And anytime they are within ten, you know what, any amount of feet of each other, you can feel them getting closer, feel them kissing, and then…..they don’t. They make some excuse and walk away. It is so frustrating, but so well orchestrated. Finally, they professed their love for each other this past episode and kissed! Hallelujah! And honestly, for their first kiss, I was thoroughly impressed. They looked like they were truly meant for each other and that everything was going to work out and nothing would separate them, even though he’s a fugitive and she’s a liar. Their kiss put you at ease and made you super excited and satisfied all in ten seconds. That’s true chemistry right there, folks.

     Now, there are many, many more examples of amazing and awful chemistry combinations on tv, but these are just a few of the ones I have noticed lately. I’m sure I’ll rant about a few more later, but for now, check out these and keep praying and wishing that they keep being great or get better, depending on where they are now. The chemistry between the characters, especially the lovers, is what convinces you a show is worth it, makes you want more of it, keeps you coming back, and causes you to create Pinterest boards about it!

     Let me know what you think about the chemistry on these shows and any other shows that I have left out! I’m always interested in more shows!

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